Cherednikova T. V., Logvinova I. V. (2018). Problems of psychocorrection of cognitive deficits in children << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 4 |
Pages | 64–72 |
Section | The Scientific Heritage of L. M. Vekker |
Type | Scientific article |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318040064 |
Citation | Cherednikova T. V., Logvinova I. V. (2018). Problemy psihokorrekcii kognitivnogo deficita u detej s pozicij obŝej teorii psihičeskih processov L. M. Vekkera [Problems of psychocorrection of cognitive deficits in children from the standpoint of L. M. Vekker's integrated theory of mental processes] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 4. P. 64–72. |
Problems of Psychocorrection of Cognitive Deficits in Children from the Standpoint of L. M. Vekker's Integrated Theory of Mental Processes
The article describes the innovative principles of psychocorrection of cognitive deficit, formulated on the basis of a number of theoretical principles of L. М. Vekker's integrated theory of mental processes. The authors present the results of a longitudinal experimental study of the effectiveness of introducing mentioned principles into the practice of neurocognitive correction of functional deficiency in 5–7-year old preschool children (with varying degrees of mental retardation). The paper discusses the significant differences and correlations of various cognitive indicators in the experimental groups, studied by a number of well-known valid methods (the neuropsychological battery, D. Wechsler's WAIS intelligence test, etc.), as well as the author's Color Structuring test. The revealed regularities of the correctional dynamics of cognitive deficit correspond to the complication vectors in the hierarchy of cognitive mental structures and mental regulators, disclosed in L. M. Vekker's theory. The advantage in the intensity and quality of this dynamics when using innovative methods confirms their applied significance. In addition, the greatest sensitivity to the correctional shifts of the Color Structuring test, aimed at measuring the spatial and modal-intensity characteristics of the pattern coloring, is consistent with the postulates of Vekker's theory on the primacy of these properties for any mental reflection. This confirms the effectiveness of measuring universal units of space, time, modality and intensity for the diagnostics of cognitive deficit and its correctional dynamics in children.
Keywords: integrated theory of mental processes; cognitive deficits; mental development disorder; psychocorrection; psychodiagnostics
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