Menshikova L. V. (2018). The figurative components of intellectual activity in L. M. Vekker's theory << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 4 |
Pages | 55–63 |
Section | The Scientific Heritage of L. M. Vekker |
Type | Scientific article |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318040052 |
Citation | Menshikova L. V. (2018). Obraznye komponenty intellektual'noj deâtel'nosti v teorii L. M. Vekkera [The figurative components of intellectual activity in L. M. Vekker's theory] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 4. P. 55–63. |
The Figurative Components of Intellectual Activity in L. M. Vekker's Theory
A great contribution to the development of the problem of figurative foundations of intelligence was the study of the natural organization of mental processes, developed by L. M. Vekker. In his theory, images are a natural part of human intellectual activity at all its levels, including the highest forms of conceptual reflection of reality. Targeted research has enabled L. M. Vekker to define thinking as a process of continuous reversible translation of information from spatial-subject structures (and related modal-intensity parameters) to the psycholinguistic, symbolic-operator language, represented by speech signals. The article presents the results of research conducted at the Novosibirsk State Technical University, confirming the theoretical and methodological provisions of his theory. The applied value of Vekker's theory to improve the efficiency of teaching students engineering skills, in particular, the modeling of physical phenomena is considered. It is shown that the interaction of images of different degrees of generality (sensory-visual and symbolic) with verbal components has a significant impact on the effectiveness of cognitive schemes when working with mathematical models of physical phenomena. The article presents the data of other researchers who confirm Vekker's idea of the polymodality or inter-modality of thought. L. M. Vekker's theory is distinguished by a pronounced anthropological approach to the consideration of the mental nature of human. In his works, he clearly marked the transition from "a person who feels" to "a person who thinks, experiences and acts" in the context of his life circumstances. Considering the regularities of transformation of spatial and modal characteristics of figurative components in the transition to higher forms of intellectual activity and their organic connection with them, L. M. Vekker stressed the importance of sensory experience as an important resource of creative activity and human vitality. He managed to create an original concept, including the analysis of the mechanisms of integration of various mental components in cognitive activity, which is of a great applied value. In particular, it is a theoretical basis in the study of the formation and use of the figurative experience of students not only as a means of enhancing their intellectual behavior in high school, but also as a means of developing their individuality.
Keywords: L. M. Vekker's theory; figurative components; intelligence; function of images; polymodality of thought; practical value of Vekker's theory; formation of engineering skills; ontological aspect of Vekker's theory
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