Balin V. D., Stepanova Yu. V. (2018). L. M. Vekker and the Saint-Petersburg psychological school << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 4 |
Pages | 17–33 |
Section | The Scientific Heritage of L. M. Vekker |
Type | Scientific article |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318040027 |
Citation | Balin V. D., Stepanova Yu. V. (2018). L. M. Vekker i Sankt‑Peterburgskaâ psihologičeskaâ škola [L. M. Vekker and the Saint-Petersburg psychological school] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 4. P. 17–33. |
L. M. Vekker and the Saint-Petersburg Psychological School
The article is devoted to the role and place of L. M. Vekker in the activities of the Saint-Petersburg scientific-psychological school. The features of such school are described: evolutionism, psychologism, methodological load, complexity-systematicity, empirical orientation, the tendency to the natural-scientific paradigm. The problems solved by the school are listed, in particular: the problem of psychogenesis, the study of bilateral asymmetry, the study of energy-information relationships, the study of the relationship between different forms of activation, typological studies and neurodynamics, the study of sensory systems, the search for psychological invariants, mathematical psychology, etc. It shows which problems L. M. Vekker developed in his work at the Faculty of Psychology of Saint-Petersburg State University. He built a general theory of mental processes, based his concept and model of psychic perception. When creating the general psychological construction of the psyche, he suggested taking physics as the starting point, because it is the most developed natural-scientific discipline. This work must begin with the creation of measurement units, which are well represented in physics. When developing the general psychology concept of the psyche, he drew attention to the fact that it is necessary to build this construction on the basis of the norm, it is necessary to develop the concept of a normal psyche, but not to prolong the data received on the sick psyche to the norm one, as it's often done. The name of L. M. Vekker is associated by lots of psychologists with the idea of the existence of a geometric invariants hierarchy, borrowed from topology and applied to describe the stages of the formation of mental images. Lev Markovich made the great contribution to the development of the natural-scientific paradigm developed by Leningrad psychologists in the 1950–70s of the 20th century and considered as the basis of the general psychological constructions of other psychologists of this school.
Keywords: natural-scientific paradigm; Leningrad (Saint-Petersburg) psychological school; unified theory of mental processes; geometric invariants; energy-information relationships
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