Loginova N. A. (2018). L. M. Vekker's scientific heritage in the field of psychological science << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 4 |
Pages | 5–16 |
Section | The Scientific Heritage of L. M. Vekker |
Type | Scientific article |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318040015 |
Citation | Loginova N. A. (2018). Naučnoe nasledie L. M. Vekkera v prostranstve psihologičeskoj nauki [L. M. Vekker's scientific heritage in the field of psychological science] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 4. P. 5–16. |
L. M. Vekker's Scientific Heritage in the Field of Psychological Science
L. M. Vekker is an outstanding psychologist, the author of the original theory, a teacher of higher education. He is a representative of the Saint-Petersburg scientific-psychological school. The author traces the conceptual connections between L. M. Vekker's ideas and V. M. Bekhterev's and B. G. Ananiev's scientific theories. In his work, Vekker sets ambitious goals to create the general psychology of mental processes and came close to building a unified theory of psychology – from processes to personality. It was based on the natural science concept of signal having information essence. The explanatory possibilities of Vekker's theory stem from the proposition that mental phenomena are subject to the general laws of the physical world and they are extremely specific. Vekker explains mental processes as the correlation of their characteristics with the laws and concepts of space, time, information, energy, matter. Mental time, space, etc. are homological with physical, but have very specific fundamental differences. L. M. Vekker's theory is not popular among modern psychologists, because it does not correspond to ordinary ideas about the subject-matter of psychology and because it is difficult to understand for those who is too much keen on pragmatism. The article argues that Vekker's theory is relevant to modern psychology; it has a great potential for the further development. It is strictly consistent, logical, historical-scientific, theoretically and empirically justified, and therefore convincing. Vekker is an example of a real scientist and university teacher, a connoisseur of history and theory of psychology, as well as philosophy, physics, biology, cybernetics, capable of interacting with related sciences in order to develop psychology itself. Vekker's commitment to the truth reinforced his principled position in civic behavior. The theory deserves to be studied in the universities nowadays. It should be actively included in the modern scientific discourse. L. M. Vekker's works, his life path deserve to become an independent subject-matter of indepth study, primarily by historians and methodologists of science. We should republish the works of this scientist with scientific comments, including in English, and spread them to the modern scientific environment. The article presents the facts from the biography of the scientist and his inner circle.
Keywords: L. M. Vekker; L. M. Vekker's biography; L. M. Vekker's creativity heritage; Saint-Petersburg (Leningrad) psychological school; mental processes; signal; information; psyche; image; modern situation of psychology development
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