Dorfman L. Ya. (2018). A human individuality: traits, compounds, and structures << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 3 |
Pages | 72–95 |
Section | Human Psychology |
Type | Scientific article |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318030056 |
Citation | Dorfman L. Ya. (2018). Individual'nost' čeloveka: svojstva, sostavy, struktury [A human individuality: traits, compounds, and structures] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 3. P. 72–95. |
A Human Individuality: Traits, Compounds, and Structures
A methodological and theoretical account was applied to the traits, compounds, and structures as basic concepts accommodated in the area of individual differences. In addition, the issue of resilience-variability of above concepts has been treated. These issues trace back to history but burden researchers nowadays. Instead of paradoxical collision between holism (structuralism) and atomism, the author proposes to reconcile them. For this purpose, each of basic concepts was revised in a separate way. Then their relations were taken into account. It is shown that traits and their compounds reveal their duality due to the fact that they are self-identical and relative, discrete and multiple, enduring and changeable. Beyond that, they are dynamic as they are plural, mutually transient, and flexible. The structures are considered with many varieties. They fall between and within systems, as well as specify local ones. Either, hierarchical and multidimensional structures are highlighted, parallel and intersecting ones were marked, as well. Finally, factorial and causal structures are considered. Further, the structures are shown to carry a twofold meaning, which are uncovered through their relation to compounds and commonalities. The compounds and structures demonstrate three kinds of their relations. The first deals with one compound referred to one structure (a static mode). The second reveals changeable compounds combined with several structures (polymorphism). The third shows relations between the same compound and several structures (isomerism). The commonalities relate to both compounds and structures but in different ways. The commonalities relate to structures indirectly, through compounds. Ultimately, these views land support to understanding and reflection on the question of how holism (structuralism) and atomism can be integrated.
Keywords: individuality; trait; compound; structure; self-identity; discreteness; stability; dynamism; polymorphism; isomerism
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