Ragozin L. I. (2018). The science on the rational soul – from a word to the book. Introduction << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 2 |
Pages | 130–142 |
Section | History of World Psychology |
Type | Scientific article |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318020085 |
Citation | Ragozin L. I. (2018). Nauka o razumnoj duše – ot slova k knige. Vvedenie k perevodu traktata "ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ" [The science on the rational soul – from a word to the book. Introduction to the ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 2. P. 130–142. |
The Science on the Rational Soul – from a Word to the Book. Introduction to the ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ
The article introduces the first translation from the Latin of an important fragment of the treatise "ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ". Published in 1590 it is a monument of late scholastic thought for the first time so significatively entitled. A detailed analysis of the text, the characteristics of its genre and problems as well as the definition of the intellectual and institutional context of its creation must prepare the contemporary reader for the reception of this original work. The main contents of this collection of treatises compiled by its editor Goclenius is the argumentation on the origin of the rational soul (in accordance to Aristotle) and the principal aim of this argumentation was the refutation of ех traduce, an unorthodox opinion on the trnsfer of the soul through the paternal seed. The importance of this concept quite unfamiliar to the public necessitated a brief survey of its etymology and history down to the 18th century. In the conclusion, the translator notes that the peculiar tinge of his Russian text is due to his concern in authenticity and in particular to his desire to preserve the structure of the Latin phrase of the original.
Keywords: ΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ; Aristotle; rational soul; argumentation; rhetoric; scholasticism; science on the soul; ех traduce
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