Selivanov V. V. (2018). Subject theory of thinking << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 2 |
Pages | 33–46 |
Section | The Anniversary of A. V. Brushlinsky |
Type | Scientific article |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318020036 |
Citation | Selivanov V. V. (2018). Subʺektnaâ teoriâ myšleniâ [Subject theory of thinking] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 2. P. 33–46. |
Subject Theory of Thinking
The paper deals with main provisions of A. V. Brushlinsky's theory of thinking as a process. The development of processual characteristics of mental activity along with operational and formal ones contributed to synthesis of this theory with a new subject paradigm in psychology. Within the framework of this subject paradigm, the category of "subject" is broader than the category of "personality", the personal is a part of the subject. The modern development of the processual theory of thinking has led to the allocation of eight components of mental activity, from dynamic processes to subjective and metacognitive properties. It is shown that the processual theory of thinking of A. V. Brushlinsky is a subject theory. The subject is manifested in thinking through the advancement of anticipation of the unknown, the formation of motivation of thinking, the awareness of a mental process, the regulation of mental activity, the permanent change of a cognitive level and micro change of personality characteristics, creativity. Unsubject thinking leads to the majority of basic mental pathologies, which are manifested in the redistribution of subjectedness from the whole personality to its part, the fear of "unsubjectedness", to victimization – victim behavior, the reduction of independence and self‑sufficiency, etc. A experimentally and theoretically substantiated hypothesis puts forward that in the course of his own functioning the subject through thinking affects personal structures, it leads to their changes, dynamics. The subject is able to develop personality (the personal), using the two most powerful tools – activity and thinking.
Keywords: subject of thinking; thinking as process; thinking as activity; analysis through synthesis; mental activity
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