Mazilov V. A. (2018). "Everything in my life was for my becoming a psychologist" << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 207–217 |
Section | Events of Psychological Life |
Type | Personalia |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318010120 |
Citation | Mazilov V. A. (2018). «Vse v moej žizni tak skladyvalos', čtoby â obâzatel'no stal psihologom»: neskol'ko štrihov k portretu G. V. Zalevskogo ["Everything in my life was for my becoming a psychologist": on the portrait of G. V. Zalevsky] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 1. P. 207–217. |
"Everything in My Life Was for My Becoming a Psychologist": On the Portrait of G. V. Zalevsky
The article is devoted to the 80th anniversary of Genrikh Vladislavovich Zalevsky, the famous Russian psychologist. The main milestones of the scientist's biography, the time of his formation as a psychologist, the influence of his teacher M. S. Rogovin are traced. The most important researches of the scientist are: "Fixed Forms of Behavior" (1976), "Theoretical Foundations of Psychological and Psychopathological Research" (co-authored with M. S. Rogovin) (1988), "Mental Rigidity in Norm and Pathology" (1993), "Fundamentals of Modern Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Counseling" (2002), "Brief Russian-English-German Dictionary of Psychology" (2004), "Introduction to Clinical Psychology" (2006), "Psychological Supervision: State of the Art and Prospects" (2008), etc. The main directions of research, organizational, publishing and pedagogical activities are covered. The main directions of G. V. Zalevsky's scientific activities include methodology and theory of psychological science (in particular, the study of psychological knowledge types, methods of psychology, the problem of explanation, the correlation of psychological and psychopathological research), history of psychology, and various fields of clinical psychology. G. V. Zalevsky is the creator and editor-in-chief of the authoritative "Siberian Psychological Journal".
Keywords: G. V. Zalevsky; methodology; clinical psychology; psychological research; types of psychological knowledge; methods of psychology
- Mazilov V. A. (2016). Poslednij titan: metodologičeskie raboty M. S. Rogovina (60-e gody XX stoletiâ) [The last Titan: the methodological works of M. S. Rogovin (60s of the 20th century)] // Medicinskaâ psihologiâ v Rossii: èlektron. nauč. žurn. N 1 (36). URL: http://mprj.ru
- Rogovin M. S., Zalevsky G. V. (1988). Teoretičeskie osnovy psihologičeskogo i psihopatologičeskogo issledovaniâ [Theoretical Foundations of Psychological and Pathopsychological Research]. Tomsk: TGU.
- Zalevsky G. V. (1976). Fiksirovannye formy povedeniâ [Fixed Forms of Behavior]. Irkutsk: Vost.-Sib. izd-vo.
- Zalevsky G. V. (1993). Psihičeskaâ rigidnost' v norme i patologii [Mental Rigidity in Norm and Pathology]. Tomsk: TGU.
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- Zalevsky G. V. (2002). Osnovy sovremennoj bihevioral'no-kognitivnoj psihoterapii i konsul'tirovaniâ [Fundamentals of Modern Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Counseling]. Tomsk: TGU.
- Zalevsky G. V. (2004). Kratkij russko-anglo-nemeckij slovar' po psihologii [Brief Russian-English-German Dictionary of Psychology]. Moscow: Academia.
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- Zalevsky G. V. (2006c). Vvedenie v kliničeskuû psihologiû [Introduction to Clinical Psychology]. Tomsk: IDO TGU.
- Zalevsky G. V. (2007). Ličnost' i fiksirovannye formy povedeniâ [Personality and Fixed Forms of Behavior]. Moscow: IP RAN.
- Zalevsky G. V. (2008). Obʺâsnenie i ponimanie protiv «ciklopnoj psihologii» [Explanation and understanding versus "cyclopean psychology"] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 1. P. 41–46.
- Zalevsky G. V. (2008b). Psihologičeskaâ superviziâ: sovremennoe sostoânie i perspektivy razvitiâ [Psychological Supervision: State of the Art and Prospects]. Tomsk: TML-Press.
- Zalevsky G. V. (2013). Izbrannye trudy [Selected Works]. In 6 vols. Tomsk: TGU.