Yanchuk V. A. (2018). Cultural-dialogical metaperspective of psychological knowledge integration << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 124–154 |
Section | Construction of Psychology Subject-Matter |
Type | Scientific article |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318010089 |
Citation | Yanchuk V. A. (2018). Kul'turno-dialogičeskaâ metaperspektiva integracii psihologii v usloviâh neopredelennosti i konstruktivistskogo mnogoobraziâ [Cultural-dialogical metaperspective of psychological knowledge integration in conditions of uncertainty and constructivist diversity] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 1. P. 124–154. |
Cultural-Dialogical Metaperspective of Psychological Knowledge Integration in Conditions of Uncertainty and Constructivist Diversity
The problem of finding theoretical and empirical grounds for integrating psychological knowledge in the context of cultural-dialogic interdeterministic metatheory is presented. The idea of four-dimensional continuity of psychological phenomenology is grounded, the system-forming universal basis of which is culture in the aspect of the psychic reality cultural construction. Heteroqualitative, multidimensional and multi-paradigmal psychological knowledge is represented in the form of three four-dimensional continuums. In accordance with the introduced principle of cultural-dialogic interdeterminism, the interdeterministic character of the interaction of the constituent structural elements. Theoretical and empirical substantiations of innovative approach are given.
Keywords: cultural constructivism; cultural-scientific tradition; culture; dialogical interdetermination; heterogeneous system; integration; metatheory; methodology; principle of cultural-dialogical interdeterminism; cultural-dialogical interdeterminist approach; four-dimensional continuums of psychological phenomenology
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