Shkuratov V. A. (2018). Culture of thought and knowledge-power << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 84–107 |
Section | Subject Foundations of Worlds Construction |
Type | Scientific article |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318010065 |
Citation | Shkuratov V. A. (2018). Kul'tura mysli i znanie-vlast' [Culture of thought and knowledge-power] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 1. P. 84–107. |
Culture of Thought and Knowledge-Power
The article is divided into a theoretical part explaining the conceptual apparatus of the author's conception of historical psychology, and an etude on the history of knowledge in European culture. The concepts of anthropoculture, a sapient diapason of evolution, and a sapient a priori are proposed. The culture of thought is defined as one of the anthropocultures. Demystification of a mediation category is planned for its transformation into a working concept of historical humanitarian research. In line with the new historical psychology, the concept of anthropology is supplemented by a sociopolitical dimension. Starting from the poststructuralist link "power-knowledge" and involving the model of the paradigm, the author offers concepts of cogitocracy and a cogidigma. A list of cogitocratic couples is given: ritual-community, philosophy-empire, religion-church, modern state-science, postmodern government-mass media. In the sketch of the European thinking culture, the cogitocracy of Antiquity and Modernity are examined. The origin of science and the psychological praxis of modern times (psy-complex) are treated in the aspect of historical relations of power and knowledge.
Keywords: historical psychology; anthropoculture; sapient diapason of evolution; sapient a priori; mediation; culture of thought; knowledge-power; M. Foucault; cogitocracy; paradigm; ritual-community; philosophy-empire; religion-church; modern state-science; psy-complex; q-complex
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