Akopov G. V. (2018). Psychology of art: from L. S. Vygotsky to V. F. Petrenko << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 34–45 |
Section | Methodology of Construction |
Type | Scientific article |
DOI | 10.7868/S181926531801003X |
Citation | Akopov G. V. (2018). Psihologiâ iskusstva: ot L. S. Vygotskogo k V. F. Petrenko (transcendenciâ proektov psihologii iskusstva v različnyh modusah soznaniâ) [Psychology of art: from L. S. Vygotsky to V. F. Petrenko (transcendence of projects in psychology of art in various consciousness modes)] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 1. P. 34–45. |
Psychology of Art: From L. S. Vygotsky to V. F. Petrenko (Transcendence of Projects in Psychology of Art in Various Consciousness Modes)
The article considers various projects of research directions in psychology of art. From L. S. Vygotsky's famous publication to one of the last works in this field, methodological foundations and theoretical features of various projects are examined. The analyzed projects correspond to a postulate of the complementarity of science and art with more or less specificity of the object, subject-matter and methods of the relevant research. The concept of "consciousness" is proposed as a universal category of psychological analysis of art phenomena and provides diachronic transcendence of art works' meaningful analysis and psychological research methods. The conceptual variations of the "consciousness" concept, for different projects under consideration, are revealed in the following word combinations: artistic consciousness, aesthetic, creative, communicative and other modes of consciousness, as well as the states of experience, comprehension and co-creation. The art sociality problem can be traced in a functional way, from L. S. Vygotsky's "social sensory technique" to the political and mass media manipulation of the "economic relationship of fiction and death" in modern social practices of the ancient Roman experience "revival" (V. A. Shkuratov). The dialectic of art direction historical cyclicality is confirmed: in the psychological dimension by change of the emotional dominant (empathy, catharsis) by the cognitive (ideal) dominant of values and meanings (V. V. Znakov, V. F. Petrenko, V. E. Semenov, N. A. Khrenov and others). In the recent research on psychology of art, unconscious can be organically included in the art work meaningful analysis (V. M. Allahverdov), as well as in the instrumental support of relevant studies (V. F. Petrenko). The psychosemantic equipment of research procedures determines the universality of corresponding methodological apparatus.
Keywords: art; psychology; artistic consciousness; projects by L. S. Vygotsky, V. P. Zinchenko, V. E. Semenov, V. M. Allahverdov, V. F. Petrenko; author of art work; text (product); reader (consumer); perception; understanding; interpretation; evaluation; art and freedom; communication; cyclicality; modernity
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