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Yurevich, A.V. (2010). Once again on "schism" between research and practical psychology

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2010. Volume 5. Issue 3
Social Methodology of Psychology
Scientific article
Once again on "schism" between research and practical psychology
Yurevich, Andrey Vladislavovich
The article deals with the current level of interaction between research and practical psychology, "schism" between which traditionally depresses psychologists. The author shows that their differences persist, despite the observed cognitive and social trends towards convergence. However, in his opinion, the existing concepts of "schism" are largely generated by inadequate expectations about academic psychology, as well as an underestimation of differences in the social functions between fundamental and applied science.
  • research, academic and practical psyhology
  • "schism"
  • social relevance
  • social functions
  • fundamental and applied science
  • technology
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To cite this article
Yurevich, A.V. (2010). Once again on "schism" between research and practical psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 5(3), 90-104.

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