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Piskoppel, A.A. (2010). On problem of system of categories in psychology

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2010. Volume 5. Issue 3
Philosophy of Psychology
Scientific article
On problem of system of categories in psychology
Piskoppel, Anatoly Alfredovich
The question of system of categories in psychology and the problem of its subject are the two sides of the same coin. Categories of a particular area of ​​thinking activity (e.g., scientific discipline) provide fixation of its specific relationships (nature of the relationship) with the different realities of human culture (the universe of thought and action) and their co-organization – association and effective bridging on each other. Whether the categories of particular area of thinking activity can and should form a system is one of the traditional problems of categorical thinking associated with the recognition of the fundamental possibility of different categorical focusing – object-ontological and logical-operational. In system-thinking-activity methodology semantic-semiotic and conceptual-objective types of focusing are added to latter two types. The existence of different possible conclusions puts the very categorical discourse at first plan, in relation to which each method of problematization and type of categorical ordering are only partial and limited.
  • subject of psychology
  • theoreticla psychology
  • category
  • ontology
  • logic
  • system of categories
  • categorial concept
  • structure of category
  • categorial metonymy
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To cite this article
Piskoppel, A.A. (2010). On problem of system of categories in psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 5(3), 13-25.

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