Tulchinskiy, G.L. (2010). Shift of humanitarian paradigm, transcendental subject and posthuman personology
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2010. Volume 5. Issue 1
Section |
Philosophical Foundations
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
Shift of humanitarian paradigm, transcendental subject and posthuman personology
Authors |
Tulchinskiy, Grigory Lvovich
Abstract |
The humanitarian paradigm shift, which should be based on the fundamental consideration of the role and importance of the personality, is the main source of the dynamics of sense formation, is alleged. This shift has been included in the phenomenology of E. Husserl and the subsequent development of philosophical trends. Sense formation is a manifestation of human freedom and responsibility. Phenomenology confirmed that apodictic truth must be sought in the field of the transcendental subject. The phenomenological analysis boils down ultimately to self-identification. "Epistemological" stage of development of philosophy, distributing the subject and object, brings to the fore the problem of freedom and personality. Next, "axiological" stage expresses the maturation of personological dominant. Self-awareness is the most important manifestation of human nature. Subject of self-awareness is the bearer of freedom. The historical trend of narrowing the borders of I is obvious. Unity of I can not be find in a ready form, it can only be carried out by tireless efforts of approval of hidden essence of freedom. I is assemblage point of responsibility. The content of humanitarianism is built in five levels: infrastructure of cultures, anthropological, culturological, personological, metaphysics of morality. It is insolvently and dangerous to ignore some of these levels in social activity. The possibility of humanitarian knowledge is based on the unity and universality of spirit. United and universal spirit is manifested through specific individual dealing with specific and unique position in the world. Posthuman personology is the perspective of the metaphysics of personality. The body appears to mediate between the two plans of human existence: transcendental and real. With the growing scope of conceivable the human world increasingly becomes modus of possible. Possible is crucial for personology: the deepest point in the self-awareness and identity is I, which is not exist yet, but is possible. The key points of the shift of humanitarian paradigm are possibilism and potentiation.
Keywords |
- human
- humanitarianism
- consciousness
- subject
- transcendental subject
- intentionality
- intentional objects
- I
- personality
- personology
- posthuman personology
- postbodily I
- sense formation
- freedom
- responsibility
- possible
- dynamism
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To cite this article |
Tulchinskiy, G.L. (2010). Shift of humanitarian paradigm, transcendental subject and posthuman personology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 5(1), 32-51.