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Lektorskiy, V.A. (2010). Subject in history of philosophy: challenges and achievements

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2010. Volume 5. Issue 1
Philosophical Foundations
Scientific article
Subject in history of philosophy: challenges and achievements
Lektorskiy, Vladislav Aleksandrovich
The article describes the pair philosophical categories of "subject" and "object", shows their interdependence and inter-definition. The relation between I and subject is presented. Various interpretations of I, the subject and the object, existing in the history of philosophy from Descartes to the present day (classical, non-classical and post-non-classical approaches), and related problems are analyzed. In particular, the authors discusses the vision of the subject-object interaction of Descartes, Hume, Kant, Mach, Husserl, Wittgenstein, Bakhtin, Piaget, Gibson, Sartre, Neisser, Harre, etc., and characteristics of modern interpretations of I caused by the current cultural situation.
  • subject
  • object
  • subject-object relations
  • unity of subject and object
  • I
  • centre of consciousness
  • empirical subject
  • transcendental subject
  • absolute subject
  • individual subject
  • collective (group) subject
  • self-evidence
  • identification of I
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To cite this article
Lektorskiy, V.A. (2010). Subject in history of philosophy: challenges and achievements. Methodology and History of Psychology, 5(1), 5-18.

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