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Melnikova, O.T., Khoroshilov, D.A. (2009). Relation of epistemological and empirical sides of qualitative research

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2009. Volume 4. Issue 3
Methodology of Qualitative Research
Scientific article
Relation of epistemological and empirical sides of qualitative research
Melnikova, Olga Timofeevna
Khoroshilov, Dmitry Aleksandrovich
The article discusses the problem of the relationship between philosophical and particular-methodical (empirical) levels of psychological research on the example of qualitative methodology. The main criterion for differentiation of qualitative methodology is precisely the epistemological criterion, which in turn is implemented through the common principle of interpretation, which is the basis for the whole complex of analytical tools. Indicated epistemological context allows us to pass to the consideration of a number of methods of qualitative analysis: Miles and Haberman's matrix method, Strauss and Corbin's method of justifying theory, and discursive approach. Particular attention is paid to the connection between the principle of interpretation and objectivity of analysis. Later in the article the special epistemological model is presented, developed in the course of empirical research and showing the links between the different levels of epistemological assumptions and concrete practical strategies for qualitative analysis (on example of the three methods mentioned above). Thus it is shown a complex systemic nature of the relations of epistemological and empirical sides of qualitative research.
  • methods of qualitative analysis
  • epistemology of psychological research
  • empirical research
  • interpretation
  • objectivity of analysis
  • strategies of analysis
  • Miles and Haberman's matrix method
  • Strauss and Corbin's method of justifying theory
  • discursive approach
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To cite this article
Melnikova, O.T., Khoroshilov, D.A. (2009). Relation of epistemological and empirical sides of qualitative research. Methodology and History of Psychology, 4(3), 96-105.

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