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Sirotkina, I.E. (2009). From the history of one psychological category: musical affects, feelings, emotions

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2009. Volume 4. Issue 2
History of Ideas in Psychology
Scientific article
From the history of one psychological category: musical affects, feelings, emotions
Sirotkina, Irina Evgenievna
The author illustrates the changes that have taken place with the psychological category of emotion, on example of musical feelings. The first part of the article deals with the ambiguity and historical variability of that category of emotions. This category has relatively recent (modern history) origin: before "emotion" scientists used such terms as "intellectual appetite", "affects" and "passions of the soul" to describe the scope of the senses. In contrast to the "emotion", "affects" and even "passion" were considered voluntary movements or actions of the active soul. On the contrary, under the "emotion" scientists began to understand the passive, reactive and related to body condition. The transition from the "affects of the soul" to "emotions" was coincided with the birth of the natural-scientific psychology at the turn of the 18th–19th centuries, and gradually "emotions" almost was supplanted all other categories pertaining to the senses. Nevertheless, the author suggests that the concept of the "affects of the soul" is not completely gone, but kept in the psychology of art and, in particular, the perception of music. The article shows that in the musical sense studies along with contemporary natural-scientific discourse of emotion the old discourse of affects of the soul continues to exist. It is interesting that some authors, including Lev Tolstoy and modern psychologists, can simultaneously use both discourses.
  • historicity of psychological categories
  • affects of the soul
  • emotions
  • psychology of music
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To cite this article
Sirotkina, I.E. (2009). From the history of one psychological category: musical affects, feelings, emotions. Methodology and History of Psychology, 4(2), 146-159.

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