Nazarov, A.I. (2009). From reflex circle to multilinked system
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2009. Volume 4. Issue 2
Section |
History of Russian Psychology
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
From reflex circle to multilinked system
Authors |
Nazarov, Anatoly Iosiphovich
Abstract |
The article deals with the concept of living movement of N.A. Bernstein, difficulties of its dissemination in the scientific community and gradually increasing impact on all areas of psychology, its development in research of V.P. Zinchenko, N.D. Gordeeva, A.I. Nazarov and directions of its modern research. Concept of N.A. Bernstein is stated in its most important moments. The author presents some of the features of the feedback function in the regulation of living movement. If the fact of multilinkness of nervous organization of the motor system is regarded, then inevitably the question arises on the principles underlying the circuit of central endings sets of afferent channels into a plurality of effector centers controlling muscle circumference. When we talk about the formation of motor skills, this type of afferent-efferent connections ("reencoding" as they are called by N.A. Bernstein) adequate for a particular motor task, do not exist in advance, and should emerge in the course of solving this task. A crucial role is played by the human perception of the information that arises during the implementation of the motion at motosensor transition when the muscular dynamics of a multidimensional vector is transformed into the dynamics of the external subject environment. On the basis of the selection of the data of perception, a new structure of feedback ensuring the stable functioning of the effector patterns found in the course of the exercise is created.
Keywords |
- reflex circle
- feedback
- multilinkness
- motor skill
- formation
- levels of formation of movement
References |
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To cite this article |
Nazarov, A.I. (2009). From reflex circle to multilinked system. Methodology and History of Psychology, 4(2), 32-44.
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