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Zinchenko, V.P. (2009). Thought, word, image, action, affect: common origin and paths of development ...

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2009. Volume 4. Issue 1
Variety of Approaches in Study of Consciousness
Scientific article
Thought, word, image, action, affect: common origin and paths of development (from primary integrity to integrity of richness of mental life)
Zinchenko, Vladimir Petrovich
How far it would not have to go deep into the history of mankind, we will never find a man without labour, consciousness and language. The same is true for the individual development of man. The author offers an alternative view of the role of speech in child development. The word, considered as an external form, includes action and image in its content as its internal forms, and vice versa. The word is accompanied by a person from the moment of birth and before it will appear in its entirety of its external form, it penetrates into the inner shape of movements, actions, images, affects of a child. The infant's word adaptation occurs at the level of sense penetration, not understanding, at the beginning of this is intelligible intuition: the child understands the world in terms of the ability to be in it. The infant waits for the word while waits and looks for physical contact with the mother, he absorbs the human word, and it becomes a "seed logos", which almost immediately begins to germinate. "Seed logos" does its job, the result of which becomes the language as a cultivated plant that grows in the fertile soil of images and actions, generously irrigated by emotions. At the age of about two years old, the child overcomes the difficulties of incarnation of the soul in the sound and the word finally finds its external form. This process is qualitatively different from the cultivation of "natural", "lower" (in the terminology of L.S. Vygotsky) psychological functions. The author is convinced that the sphere of culture prevails over the nature of the child, and expresses the doubt that in general there are child's natural, lower or primitive mental functions. The word originally is not only the most important fact of life, but also a spiritual and cultural act. Child development begins with the formation of spiritual, symbolic layer of consciousness, with the "higher psychology", with infant's congeniality to highest manifestations of the human spirit. The man from birth enters the world of human culture. And from that moment, not just introduction to the culture begins, but his spiritual and cultural development.
  • consciousness
  • activity
  • culture
  • development
  • thought
  • word
  • image
  • action
  • affect
  • external and internal form
  • "seed logos"
  • pre-experience origin of cultural development
  • intelligible intuition
  • primary intergrity
  • differentiation of mental life
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To cite this article
Zinchenko, V.P. (2009). Thought, word, image, action, affect: common origin and paths of development (from primary integrity to integrity of richness of mental life). Methodology and History of Psychology, 4(1), 87-112.

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