Arseniev, A.S. (2008). Ten years later. On scientific destiny of S.L. Rubinstein (Philosophical essay)
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 4
Section |
School of S.L. Rubinstein: History and Fate
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
From agent to personality (debates on scientific destiny of S.L. Rubinstein). Part II:
2. Ten years later. On scientific destiny of S.L. Rubinstein (Philosophical essay)
Authors |
Arseniev, Anatoly Sergeevich
Abstract |
The article continues the debate with students of S.L. Rubinstein, started after reading by the author (1974) S.L. Rubinstein's work "Man and World". The author is interested in primarily the fate of S.L. Rubinstein – the fate of the man who experienced the total transformation of his consciousness, understanding and perception of the world in the direction, in which the author sees the only possible way of development of psychology – in its return from captivity of chase for scientism, led it in blind alley, to its own philosophical foundations. Complete indifference of psychologists, including those who considered themselves as disciples of Sergey Leonidovich, has caused the author's fervent desire to protect his memory, including from the "disciples". This is the subject of this article. Not having "feedback" for decades, the author made this article sharp enough that it was impossible to remain silent, like all previous years. Along the way, using diagrams, images, examples, poetry, the author tries to clarify some related to the case philosophical meanings.
Keywords |
- scientific destiny
- actual and potential infinity
- new European civilization
- global crisis of neolith
- thing-alienated individual
- morality
- consciousness
- relation "Subject–Object"
- postneolithic philosophy
References |
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To cite this article |
Arseniev, A.S. (2008). Ten years later. On scientific destiny of S.L. Rubinstein (Philosophical essay). Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(4), 115-148.