Leontiev, D.A. (2008). A.F. Lazursky's personality theory: from propensities to relations
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 4
Section |
St.-Petersburg (Leningrad) School of Psychology: Unity of Diversity
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
A.F. Lazursky's personality theory: from propensities to relations
Authors |
Leontiev, Dmitry Alekseevich
Abstract |
The article deals with the dynamics of psychological views of A.F. Lazursky (1874–1917) – the creator of one of the first theories of personality in the world of psychology. In the work of A.F. Lazursky two stages are identified, the first of which is associated with the concept of nature as the inner individual-typological basis of personality, and the second is determined by the introduction and more intensive development of ideas about the relations to the world as an important component of personality structure. The place of A.F. Lazursky in Russian and world psychology of personality is discussed.
Keywords |
- character
- personality
- propensities
- relations
- endopsyche
- exopsyche
References |
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To cite this article |
Leontiev, D.A. (2008). A.F. Lazursky's personality theory: from propensities to relations. Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(4), 7-20.