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Pechenkov, V.V. (2008). Vertical line of individuality

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 3
Psychology of Individuality
Scientific article
Vertical line of individuality
Pechenkov, Vasily Vasilievich
From a position of ideological orthogonality of horizontal and vertical ways of study two groups of ways (strategies) of understanding individuality are analyzed – perfunctory and deep. The first focused on the structure and parameters of individual static and limited supervision and comments, and deep ways draw attention to the dynamics and metamorphosis, trying to understand the causes of these changes. Among the deep ways the psychological one is highlighted, which is based on the concept of "psychologism" (L.M. Batkin), complemented by the author's hypothesis of a dynamic approach to understanding individuality.
  • individuality
  • ways of study of individuality
  • psychologism
  • dynamic approach
  • explanation
  • understanding
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To cite this article
Pechenkov, V.V. (2008). Vertical line of individuality. Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(3), 122-134.

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