Barsky, Ph.I. (2008). Person as traits and person as narrative: potential of level-based models of individualty
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 3
Section |
Psychology of Individuality
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
Person as traits and person as narrative: potential of level-based models of individualty
Authors |
Barsky, Philipp Ilyich
Abstract |
The article compares two approaches to the study of personality: theories of personal (behavioral) features and studies of I/identity (in particular in the framework of the narrative approach). It describes the basic situation and the historical roots of the two approaches, considers shortcomings and contradictions associated with these methodological problems. As options combining both approaches in a single conceptual scheme the author considers level models of individuality by P. Costa and R. McCrae, D. McAdams, and V.S. Merlin. Their features and possible limitations are analyzes. It suggests that the narrative identity (life story, by D. McAdams), understood as a common discursive structure that goes beyond the individual human perceptions of themselves, can be compared with metaindividuality (by V.S. Merlin). The adoption of this approach in theory requires a revision of the researcher position in a situation of empirical research of the person that receives mutually transforming, "postnonclassical" character.
Keywords |
- personal features
- individual differences
- I
- identity
- narrative
- discourse
- dialogue
- metaindividuality
- level models of individuality
- postnonclassical psychology
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To cite this article |
Barsky, Ph.I. (2008). Person as traits and person as narrative: potential of level-based models of individualty. Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(3), 93-105.