Sirotkina, I.E., Smith, R. (2008). "Psychological society" and social-political changes in Russia
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 3
Section |
Social Methodology of Psychology
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
"Psychological society" and social-political changes in Russia
Authors |
Sirotkina, Irina Evgenievna
Smith, Roger
Abstract |
The article notes that the 20th century was crucial for psychology: from the university academic discipline of the modest size, as it was at the end of the 19th century, psychology has become a large-scale scientific enterprise, and took a prominent place in the culture of Western societies. In today's world there is hardly a man who would not have anyway to deal with psychologists. Testing, psychotherapy, family counseling and guidance of school students entered the lives of many millions of people. Psychology began to pretend to explain actions to man, manage his decisions, counsel in dealing with people, make recommendations in the intimate life. All this gave rise to talk about the modern Western society as "psychological", i.e. relying on psychology in solving everyday problems like the individual and global social issues. The authors try to define the concept of "psychological society", analyzing the historical-sociological research on the themes: 1) the growth of psychology as a profession or field of employment; 2) the social nature of psychological knowledge; 3) the relationship between individualism, modernism and psychology; 4) the psychology as the practice of public administration.
Keywords |
- "psychological society"
- psychology as a profession
- social nature of knowledge
- psychologization
- individualization
- contemporaneity / modernism
- practice of public administration
References |
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To cite this article |
Sirotkina, I.E., Smith, R. (2008). "Psychological society" and social-political changes in Russia. Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(3), 73-90.