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Eremeev, V.E. (2008). Conception of mind structure in ancient hindu doctrine of Samkhya

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 2
History of Ancient Psychology
Scientific article
Conception of mind structure in ancient hindu doctrine of Samkhya
The article deals with ideas about the structure of the psyche in the ancient Indian Samkhya doctrine. As an example, the description of functional mental levels in "Katha Upanishad" and "Samkhyakarika" are taken. Indian specificity of the theory of "salvation" is noted. The author describes the steps of meditation in options of Samkhya and Yoga. A comparative analysis of some ancient Indian and ancient Chinese psychological views, ancient Indian and European ideologies that determine different approaches to the understanding of the psychic is examined.
  • structure of psyche
  • functional level
  • Samkhya
  • Yoga
  • Vedanta
  • Purusa
  • Ātman
  • Prakriti
  • meditation
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To cite this article
Eremeev, V.E. (2008). Conception of mind structure in ancient hindu doctrine of Samkhya. Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(2), 162-174.

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