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Akopov, G.V. (2008). Scientific agnosticism and explanatory providence (on 125th anniversary of K. Jaspers)

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 2
Jubilee Dates
Scientific article
Scientific agnosticism and explanatory providence (on 125th anniversary of K. Jaspers)
The article deals with some scientific and psychological ideas of K. Jaspers of general theoretical and philosophical-methodological level. As a methodological position of K. Jaspers the author affirms scientific agnosticism, i.e., the inability of cognition of psyche. The author considers the thesis of the incompleteness of man. A typology of "prejudice", distorting vision of things, is presented. The problem of consciousness and the unconscious are outlined according to K. Jaspers, types of conscious of "I" are identified. The article studies K. Jaspers's understanding of metameaning concept of freedom and genuine communication.
  • K. Jaspers
  • scientific agnosticism
  • psychical life
  • methodological prejudice
  • consciousness
  • unconscious
  • freedom
  • communication
  • existence
  • human being
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To cite this article
Akopov, G.V. (2008). Scientific agnosticism and explanatory providence (on 125th anniversary of K. Jaspers). Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(2), 147-154.

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