Ulanovsky, A.M. (2008). History and vectors of development of qualitative research in psychology
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 2
Section |
History of Qualitative Psychology
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
History and vectors of development of qualitative research in psychology
Authors |
Abstract |
This article analyzes the history of qualitative research in psychology. Specificity of qualitative data and the features of the "qualitative approach" as an original research methodology of social science of the last decades is revealed. Different levels of qualitative methodologies and periods of its development are identified: the period of the early qualitative research, period of formation of the original traditions, period of the revision of research paradigm, period of systematization of methods and standards. The author considers two different vectors of development of qualitative research: the line of study of experiences and subjectivity and the line of study language, communication and social practices.
Keywords |
- qualitative researches
- history
- periods
- vectors of development
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To cite this article |
Ulanovsky, A.M. (2008). History and vectors of development of qualitative research in psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(2), 129-139.