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Turetskiy, M.I. (2008). The builder of Bollingen tower

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 2
History of Western Psychology
Scientific article
The builder of Bollingen tower
Doctor of medicine, psychiatrist, professor, the founder of analytical psychology, the founder of the psychotherapeutic school, guru, heresiarch, a new incarnation of Julian the Apostate, the Aryan Christ – all of this is Carl Gustav Jung. It seems that by his ideas, books, life he embodied the striking phenomenon of contemporary knowledge – the blurring boundaries between rational knowledge and mystical speculation. In the present essay the author attempted to justify the legality of such a view on the life and work of C.G. Jung.
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  • paganism
  • transcendency
  • monotheism
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To cite this article
Turetskiy, M.I. (2008). The builder of Bollingen tower. Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(2), 108-120.

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