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Mazilov, V.A. (2008). Establishment of psychology as independent science (conclusion)

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 2
Methodological Ideas in History of Psychology
Scientific article
Establishment of psychology as independent science (conclusion)
The article analyzes the formation of the methodological foundations of scientific psychology. In the first part of the article it was shown that the formation of the methodological foundations of psychology was influenced by the works of Christian Wolff and by critic on psychology by Immanuel Kant, attempts by J.F. Herbart to give psychology the status of science was traced. In present part of the article the impact of positivism on the development of psychology (A. Comte and J.S. Mill) and the work of Wilhelm Wundt on settling psychology as an independent science are analyzed. It is argued that scientific psychology was constituted by self-observation. The problem of the relation of methods of psychology are analyzed.
  • psychology
  • rational psychology
  • empirical psychology
  • scientific psychology
  • methodology
  • method of psychology
  • self-observation
  • experiment
  • level structure of method
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To cite this article
Mazilov, V.A. (2008). Establishment of psychology as independent science (conclusion). Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(2), 7-24.

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