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Noskova, O.G. (2008). Proof in applied psychological research of unique objects (historical scientific analysis)

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 1
Particular Issues of Explanation in Psychology
Scientific article
Proof in applied psychological research of unique objects (historical scientific analysis)
The article discusses the problem of proof in the application of psychological research carried out by practical psychologists in the implementation of their activities on the study of the unique social facilities and the organization of measures of influence on them with a view to a certain transformation. The author analyzes the historical aspect of the formation of psychological practice and its most important methodological bases presented primarily by tectology of A.A. Bogdanov and personology W. Stern, important for the present. The necessity of training specialists who are ready to analyze the specific (unique) cases, but not just owning nomothetic explanatory diagrams is noted. The need to ensure the proof including the effectiveness of its methods and recommendations is the central methodological problem of practical psychology. Psychological practice is positioned as a leading engine of development of psychological science.
  • applied studies
  • unique object
  • proof
  • concrete casus
  • operative explanatory model
  • prediction
  • influence
  • nomothetical study
  • ideographical study
  • A.A. Bogdanov
  • tectology
  • W. Stern
  • practical psychologist
  • psychological practice
  • expertise
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To cite this article
Noskova, O.G. (2008). Proof in applied psychological research of unique objects (historical scientific analysis). Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(1), 145-152.

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