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Barabanschikov, V.A. (2008). Determination of perceptual processes: problem of explanation of percetual phenomena

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 1
Particular Issues of Explanation in Psychology
Scientific article
Determination of perceptual processes: problem of explanation of percetual phenomena
Traditional psychology of perception adopted such way of thinking, in which the key image perception (subject, object, sensual image), as well as its relationship with other mental phenomena are taken as developed initial data. Thus, the subject is opposed to disjunctive object, the image is separated from the other modalities of the psyche and the subject's activity, perceptual act is "cut" from the context of a person's life and studied as if from scratch, mainly in the formal terms of the dynamic. Even in cases where the researcher has possibility to isolate the genetic characteristics of the process, for example, the sequence of steps of the visual image, they are treated outside their generating base, without regard to their premises and subsequent "fate", as something which has independent significance. All this leads to the fact that the used conceptual apparatus does not correspond to the nature of the process under study, and knowledge fixes only the surface layer of its organization. In relation to both its source and to its product the perceptual process is external, and its course over time is indefinite. All this imposes a stamp on the character of explaining the phenomena of perception, i.e., on specification of the content and methods of its determination. Most often it is associated with the structure of the situation, with the processes occurring in the sensory systems, or with the features of operations doing by a person. Accordingly, an object of experimental research is to find and describe "mechanisms" (one or more determinants) that contribute to a particular perceptual effect.
  • determination of perceptual process
  • perception as event
  • sensual image
  • object-situation
  • apperceptual complex
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To cite this article
Barabanschikov, V.A. (2008). Determination of perceptual processes: problem of explanation of percetual phenomena. Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(1), 117-127.

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