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Malanov, S.V. (2008). Methods of explanation in structure of psychological knowledge: from hypotheses to phenomena?

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 1
Specifics of Psychological Explanation
Scientific article
Methods of explanation in structure of psychological knowledge: from hypotheses to phenomena?
Three main areas of psychological knowledge and methods of their construction are contrasted: phenomenological, empirical and theoretical. The conclusion is that in the process of historical development of mankind notions of mental functions are not formed on the basis of the pilot registration of phenomena, as it was in natural science fields, but on the basis of hypotheses. The question of the psychological mechanisms of occurrence in a subject reflexive phenomenology are examined. The features of constructing explanations in psychology are analyzed.
  • empirical, phenomenological an theoretical methods of research of psychical phenomena
  • phenomenon
  • fact
  • theory
  • hypothesis
  • cause-effect and teleological explanations
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To cite this article
Malanov, S.V. (2008). Methods of explanation in structure of psychological knowledge: from hypotheses to phenomena? Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(1), 107-116.

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