Zhdan, A.N. (2008). Problem of explanation in psychology (historical aspect)
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2008. Volume 3. Issue 1
Section |
Problem of Explanation in History of Psychology
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
Problem of explanation in psychology (historical aspect)
Authors |
Zhdan, Antonina Nikolaevna
Abstract |
The problem of explanation in psychology in the historic cut mainly from Modern age to nowadays is examined. The author considers the approaches of R. Descartes, B. Spinoza, C. Wolff, D. Hartley, W. Dilthey, H. Spencer, S.L. Frank, É. Durkheim, K. Marx, S.L. Rubinstein, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, P.Ya. Galperin, V.P. Zinchenko, B.S. Bratus, F.E. Vasilyuk and others. The conclusion is about the importance of approaches to the explanation of mental phenomena existed in the history and the need for a fundamentally new type of explanation.
Keywords |
- psychical phenomena
- soul
- explanation
- explanatory principle
- explanatory psychology
- descriptive psychology
- objective approach
- genetic explanation
- activity as explanatory principle
References |
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To cite this article |
Zhdan, A.N. (2008). Problem of explanation in psychology (historical aspect). Methodology and History of Psychology, 3(1), 22-27.