Talyzina, N.F. (2007). Essence of the activity approach in psychology
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2007. Volume 2. Issue 4
Section |
School of A.N. Leontiev: Problems of General Psychology
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
Essence of the activity approach in psychology
Authors |
Talyzina, Nina Fedorovna
Abstract |
In the article the author's point of view on the nature of the activity approach in psychology is given. The author believes that the psychology of the functions should be replaced by the psychology of actions. The action is seen as a common unit of analysis in the new psychology. The content, functions and properties of the action are considered as the basis of their classification and systematization. Also the author considers three principles of the activity approach: a) inextricable link of the activity and psyche; b) the primacy of material forms and secondary of psychical ones; c) the social nature of the laws of human psychical development. It is shown that the first principle is due to the orienting function of the psyche and the system structure of the activity.
Keywords |
- psychological theory of activity
- activity approach in psychology
- unit of analysis
- principles of the activity approach
- features of actions (activity)
- systems approach in psychology
- psychology of functions (functionalist psychology)
References |
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To cite this article |
Talyzina, N.F. (2007). Essence of the activity approach in psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 2(4), 157-162.