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Umrikhin, V.V. (2007). Historical-methodological problems of analysis of scientific schools in psychology

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2007. Volume 2. Issue 4
Scientific article
Historical-methodological problems of analysis of scientific schools in psychology
Umrikhin, Vladimir Vladimirovich
The article deals with a number of methodological problems related to the historical reconstruction of scientific schools in psychology. The analysis of the concept of "scientific school" is given, the types of scientific schools are described, including the school as research team, the role of the research program as a consolidating beginning of the scientific school is described. From this perspective, the author discusses the main methodological principles of historical-scientific reconstruction of schools in psychology.
  • scientific school
  • research program
  • school as research team
  • typology of sceintific schools
  • methodological principles of reconstruction of scientific schools
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To cite this article
Umrikhin, V.V. (2007). Historical-methodological problems of analysis of scientific schools in psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 2(4), 5-14.

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