Mironenko, I.A. (2007). On sources of doubts about progress of psychology
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2007. Volume 2. Issue 3
Section |
Progress of Psychology
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
On sources of doubts about progress of psychology
Authors |
Mironenko, Irina Anatolievna
Abstract |
What are the sources and causes of "methodological complexes" of psychology? The answer, in author's opinion, lies not in comparison of psychology with other sciences, but in the context of more general problems generated by modernity. "Permanent sense of crisis", an attribute of which is doubts about the progress of psychology, manifesting a) as a feeling of ambiguity of what is happening "progress" in it and b) in the form of doubts in the reality and the prospects of genuine progress psychology, – is generated by complex of the most important and painful contradictions of modern culture. It is psychology which is designed to answer the most pressing questions posed by time because of its status of science of human in its entirety and contradictory unity of the parties and forms of its existence. Progress of psychology is therefore objectively necessary and inevitable in the context of the modern development of human culture. It is psychology which is now in demand like no other science and its "methodological complexes" are nothing else but the growth diseases that accompany the inevitable and accelerating – though not universal and not uniform, with regard to different areas and schools, – progress.
Keywords |
- progress
- culture
- civilization
- virtualization
- schools in psychology
- crisis
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To cite this article |
Mironenko, I.A. (2007). On sources of doubts about progress of psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 2(3), 94-106.