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Yanchuk, V.A. (2007). Postmodern sociocultural interdeterministic dialogical perspective of method of psychological research

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2007. Volume 2. Issue 1
In Search of Method of Psychology
Scientific article
Postmodern sociocultural interdeterministic dialogical perspective of method of psychological research
Yanchuk, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
The problem of method in psychological research in the context of postmodern sociocultural interdeterministic perspectives of positioning in the subject of psychology is examined. The author offers constructive criticism of the positivist research methodology. On the basis of existing knowledge in the modern psychological approach the impossibility of finding the only true universal solution is justified. The author presents a comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative methods of psychological research with a focus on fixing their research capabilities and limitations. The problem of the relation between etic and emic in psychological research is discussed. The features of the methodological triangulation as a way of integrating the potential quantitative and qualitative methods is described. The author's modification of integrative eclecticism by triangulation is proposed. It substantiates the idea that identifies ways and means of improving the ecological validity by etic-emic pairing of collective and individual culture. Showing prospect of using dialogical methodologies.
  • dialogical methodology
  • emic
  • meaning
  • integrative eclecticism through methodological triangulation
  • introspection
  • etic
  • research method
  • qualitative methods
  • quantitative methods
  • methodological triangulation
  • methodology of first person
  • methodology of second person
  • methodology of third person
  • nomothetic
  • experience
  • subject of psychology
  • postmodern sociocultural interdeterministic dialogical perspective
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To cite this article
Yanchuk, V.A. (2007). Postmodern sociocultural interdeterministic dialogical perspective of method of psychological research. Methodology and History of Psychology, 2(1), 207-226.

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