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Khoziev, V.B. (2007). On question of a place for consulting research method in future paradigm of psychology

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2007. Volume 2. Issue 1
In Search of Method of Psychology
Scientific article
On question of a place for consulting research method in future paradigm of psychology
Khoziev, Vadim Borisovich
Both the development of the research method in psychology and design of mediation as experimental factor occurred simultaneously. These methodological improvements brought to the psychology implicit manifestation of the principle of the new research, which meant crucial step forward in terms of both subject and method of psychology: mediation may only study in mediation. The article from the standpoint of cultural-historical psychology considers the evolution of the method in psychology. The basis of the method of determination of such an approach is mediation. Advisory method is the logical completion of a certain cycle of development of psychology, most fully and consistently deploying to ward the whole cultural system of means by which it is possible to resolve his most significant of problems.
  • research method in psychology
  • psychological counseling
  • planned-gradual formation
  • mediation
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To cite this article
Khoziev, V.B. (2007). On question of a place for consulting research method in future paradigm of psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 2(1), 190-206.

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