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Piskoppel, A.A. (2006). Pedology and psychotechnics: historical experience of methodological arrangement ... of disciplines

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2006. Volume 1. Issue 2
History of Russian Psychotechnics and Pedology
Scientific article
Pedology and psychotechnics: historical experience of methodological arrangement and substantiation of complex scientific and technical disciplines
Piskoppel, Anatoly Alfredovich
The questions of object-theoretical and social-organizational status of occupational-practical disciplines in their unity and difference from the other academic ones are still remain open. For their solution, the historical experience of the Soviet pedology and psychotechnincs formation is of interest, which were interrupted by administrative means in the middle of the 1930s. Both pedology and psychotechnics at that time just worked out their programs and both faced a choice of path of development: for pedology it was the choice between object-methodological and object-ontological bases of integration and internal unity, for psychotechnics – between cognitive-psychological and organizational-psychological bases of integration and internal unity. Only an adequate reflection of this experience is able to prevent a repetition of errors in the interaction of new academic psychology and psychopractices.
  • history of psychology
  • professional-practical psychology
  • pedology
  • psychotechnics
  • labour psychology
  • ergonomics
  • explanation
  • transformation
  • program
  • general science
  • fundamental science
  • applied science
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To cite this article
Piskoppel, A.A. (2006). Pedology and psychotechnics: historical experience of methodological arrangement and substantiation of complex scientific and technical disciplines. Methodology and History of Psychology, 1(2), 47-56.

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