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Yanchuk, V.A. (2006). Postmodern sociocultural interdeterministic dialogicity ... subject-matter of psychology

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2006. Volume 1. Issue 1
Variety of Approaches to Definition of Subject-matter of Psychology
Scientific article
Postmodern sociocultural interdeterministic dialogicity as perspective of positioning in the subject-matter of psychology
Yanchuk, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
The author examines a problem of positioning in the subject-matter of psychological knowledge in a perspective of postmodern sociocultural interdeterministic dialogicity. The features of transformation of psychological knowledge in historical and cultural perspective are shown. It is proved that the specific subject-matter of psychological knowledge is determined by the biosocial essence of human in its rational and irrational-existential dimensions, as well as its interdeterminancy of sociocultural and physical context of being. The author discusses the features of existence in terms of the diversity of paradigmatic origins, characterized by a "polyphony of voices". The conditions of scientific dialogue in terms of paradigmatic diversity and methodological pluralism are defined. The features of integrative-eclectic approach are shown. The prospects for the development of psychological knowledge are outlined.
  • biological nature
  • symbolic nature
  • reflective nature
  • biosocial essence
  • dialogue
  • integrative-eclectic approach
  • culture
  • cultural-scientific tradition
  • polyphony
  • subject-matter of research
  • postmodernism
  • sociocultural interdeterministic dialogicity
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To cite this article
Yanchuk, V.A. (2006). Postmodern sociocultural interdeterministic dialogicity as perspective of positioning in the subject-matter of psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 1(1), 193-206.

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