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Smirnov, S.D. (2006). What is bad if we have no common definition of subject-matter of psychology?

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2006. Volume 1. Issue 1
Methodological Foundations of Definition of Subject-matter of Psychology
Scientific article
What is bad if we have no common definition of subject-matter of psychology?
Smirnov, Sergey Dmitrievich
The causes and consequences of the lack of generally accepted definition of a subject-matter in modern psychology are analyzed. It is alleged that a breakthrough in the understanding of the subject-matter of psychology can be achieved primarily through a movement "from below", i.e. achievements in the field of concrete research and applied work of psychologists, but not at the expense of priority of the movement "from above" in the form of methodological reflection. The author formulates requirements to the newly proposed definitions of the subject-matter of psychology, the implementation of which may increase cumulative effect and continuity in this work. It is concluded that work on a definition of the subject-matter of psychology is useful, but a function of this definition in the future development of science is very limited. The author gives arguments in favor of the multiparadigmality nature of psychological science, the result of which is inability to build a "unified" (more monistic) psychological theory. The author substantiates the necessity and usefulness of a "methodological pluralism" position in this context.
  • subject-matter of psychology
  • object of psychology
  • methodology of science
  • paradigm
  • methodological pluralism
  • multiparadigmatic science
  • unified theory of psyche
  • "bootstrap" theory
  • network thinking
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To cite this article
Smirnov, S.D. (2006). What is bad if we have no common definition of subject-matter of psychology? Methodology and History of Psychology, 1(1), 73-84.

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