Shabelnikov, V.K. (2006). Objectness and subjectness of determining world in conceptions of psychology
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2006. Volume 1. Issue 1 |
Section | Subject-matter of Psychology in History of Psychology |
Pages | 23-40 |
Type | Scientific article |
Title |
Objectness and subjectness of determining world in conceptions of psychology |
Authors |
Shabelnikov, Vitaly Konstantinovich |
Abstract | The article deals with the logic of analysis of psyche determination in psychological concepts. Analysis of the sources of the occurrence of psyche leads psychology to the need for the presentation of the subject determining the psyche. The subjectness of human being is purchased by him from the subjective qualities of nature determining him or from the nature devoid of the qualities of subjectness. During the history of subjectness development people manifested a desire to deprive the world of its qualities of subjectness. It gave an opportunity to understand the people as the exceptional actors surrounded only with objects. In religion the determining subject is passed beyond the possibilities of people's cognition and in materialism the subjectness of the world is denied altogether. Therefore, psychology loses a right to withdraw human subjectness from the subjectness of the world that denies the possibility of psychology to study specifically the most important psychological problem – the origin of human subjectness. |
Keywords |
- determination of psyche
- subjectness of human
- subjectness of nature
- localization of subjectness
- conception of psychology
References |
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To cite this article
Shabelnikov, V.K. (2006). Objectness and subjectness of determining world in conceptions of psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 1(1), 23-40. |