Znakov V. V., Sergienko E. A. (2018). Andrey Vladimirovich Brushlinsky: Life devoted to science << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 2 |
Pages | 5–21 |
Section | The Anniversary of A. V. Brushlinsky |
Type | Scientific article |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318020012 |
Citation | Znakov V. V., Sergienko E. A. (2018). Andrej Vladimirovič Brušlinskij: žizn', otdannaâ nauke [Andrey Vladimirovich Brushlinsky: Life devoted to science] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 2. P. 5–21. |
Andrey Vladimirovich Brushlinsky: Life Devoted to Science
The paper reveals the meaning of A. V. Brushlinsky for psychological science. A brief biographical sketch of his life and his becoming as a methodologist, theorist, creator and organizer of the psychological science are presented. For almost half a century of the creative activity, he developed a theory of thinking as a prediction, explored the fundamental issues of methodology and history of psychology, the problems of artificial intelligence, the relationship of psychology and mathematics. He developed a continual‑genetic (nondisjunctive) method of studying a person as a subject. On the basis of this method, A. V. Brushlinsky created the theory of the subject and his sociality, distinguishing the social and the public; generalized the principle of determinism in relation to the social‑historical development of man. It is shown that A. V. Brushlinsky developed a holistic, original version of the subject's psychology, having formulated a subject‑activity approach. In his version of the psychology of the subject, in fact, history of the main problems of the Russian psychological science of the twentieth century, which for almost half a century of scholarly activity was in the focus of attention of Brushlinsky. These are the problems of the correlation of biological and social, conscious and unconscious, external causes and internal conditions in the determination of the mentality. The main principally new provisions of the psychology of the subject are singled out: a transition from a microsemantic to a macroanalytical method of cognition of the mentality has been accomplished; significantly expanded the idea of the content of activity as a determinant of the mentality; the system character of the investigation of the dynamic, structural and regulatory plans for the analysis of the subject's psychology is analyzed; the principal possibility of ambiguity in the subject's decisions of vital tasks is shown, in contrast to the idea prevailing before in Russian psychology of obtaining a new knowledge of the world only as a result of solving objective problems. The essence of the subject's psychology by A. V. Brushlinsky was described. A. V. Brushlinsky saw the perspective of psychological science in the development of the subject approach, in the transition from the psychology of mental processes to subject psychology, which requires considerable effort and time, consolidation of scientific efforts in solving this task of extreme complexity.
Keywords: subject‑activity approach; psychology of subject; principles of subject's psychology; prospects of subject's psychology
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