Allakhverdov V. M., Karitsky I. N. (2018). The thoughtful knight of the multidimensional world << To the contents of the issue
Journal | Methodology and History of Psychology |
Year | 2018 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 218–228 |
Section | Events of Psychological Life |
Type | Personalia |
DOI | 10.7868/S1819265318010132 |
Citation | Allakhverdov V. M., Karitsky I. N. (2018). Zadumčivyj rycar' mnogomernogo mira (k 70-letiû blestâŝego psihologa i neobyknovennogo čeloveka V. F. Petrenko) [The thoughtful knight of the multidimensional world (on the 70th anniversary of V. F. Petrenko, the brilliant psychologist and extraordinary man)] // Metodologiâ i istoriâ psihologii. Iss. 1. P. 218–228. |
The Thoughtful Knight of the Multidimensional World (On the 70th Anniversary of V. F. Petrenko, the Brilliant Psychologist and Extraordinary Man)
The article is devoted to the 70th anniversary of Viktor Petrenko, the famous Russian psychologist. The article presents biographical and scientific information about the hero of the day. It is shown how the interest of the schoolboy Viktor Petrenko was formed to science, what events led to the fateful penchant for psychology, the main stages of the scientific career were traced. The teachers, first of all, A. N. Leontiev and V. P. Zinchenko, and their influence on the formation of V. F. Petrenko are indicated. A gallery of research expeditions to different regions of Russia and foreign countries is presented. The main line of research of Viktor Petrenko – psychosemantics – is reflected in the article, the most important results of theoretical and empirical research are presented: psychosemantics of everyday, political, religious consciousness, altered states of consciousness, psychosemantics of art, comparative semantics of consciousness and quantum physics, etc. The theoretical and methodological basis of V. F. Petrenko's psychosemantic research is cultural-historical psychology and constructivism, the basic provisions of which have been analyzed by the scientist in a number of theoretical works.
Keywords: V. F. Petrenko; psychosemantics; consciousness; ethnopsychology; cross-cultural studies; multidimensionality