Panferov, V.N. (2009). Methodological consequences of study of social perception
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2009. Volume 4. Issue 3
Section |
Events of Psychological Community's Life
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
Methodological consequences of study of social perception
Authors |
Panferov, Vladimir Nikolaevich
Abstract |
The article presents the methodological conclusions from the empirical study of the emotive content of social perception. Distinction between the psychophysical and psychological reflection level, between the psyche and the human psychology, which leads to the expansion of the subject of psychology, is shown. The expression of the face is presented as a special form of objectivation of the psychological qualities of the person, the perception of which allows to reunite the "internal" psychological content with the "external" sign-symbolic bearer of this content. In the process of socio-psychological interpretation of personality by appearance it occurs identification of perceived face with social-psychological type of personality known from personal experience. In the processes of social perception there is predominance of emotive functions of mental activity. Relationships in social interaction serve as a psychological influence on the content changes of psychological representations of people about each other, these representations continue to play the role of regulators and psychological deprivators of interpersonal relationships. Psychological relationships of subjects of social perception and social interaction are always ambivalent. The data obtained allow us to formulate the paradigm of "integral psychology", which in scientific study of human psychology is based on the principles of integrity, complexity, interdisciplinarity, monographicity. In this paradigm, every psychological quality of personality is seen as the result of the transformation of physical and mental human potential in processes of the various forms of his material-practical activity, under the influence of known and unknown circumstances.
Keywords |
- social perception
- psychological study
- methodology of psychological science
- subject of psychological science
- human psyche
- human psychology
- objectivation of psychical phenomena
- expression
- personality
- qualities of personality
- social-psychological type of personality
- internal
- external
- psychological relationships
- ambivalence
- principles of integrity, complexity, interdisciplinarity, monographicity
- paradigm of "integral psychology"
References |
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To cite this article |
Panferov, V.N. (2009). Methodological consequences of study of social perception. Methodology and History of Psychology, 4(3), 142-153.