Busygina, N.P. (2009). Problem of quality of qualitative research: principles of scientific and ethical validation
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2009. Volume 4. Issue 3
Section |
Methodology of Qualitative Research
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
Problem of quality of qualitative research: principles of scientific and ethical validation
Authors |
Busygina, Natalia Petrovna
Abstract |
The article deals with the main approaches to assessing the quality of qualitative research. The author shows that today a considerable number of possible criteria of quality of this type of research is prompted, and their number continues to grow, so that conversations on the criteria start to resemble situation of senseless "multiplication of entities." In addition, interpretative criteriology contributed to an apparent shift in emphasis from the techniques and procedures built into the research process and allowing to adjust the latter flexibly, to assessment of the already finished product. From the point of view of the author, a return to the validity as an integral research quality index makes it possible to emphasize the procedural aspects – validation strategies, serving the mechanisms of self-correction of the research process. The author believes that validation in qualitative research, as well as in other types of research, should be based on the principles of critical rationalism. The article discusses specific strategies and technology of validation in qualitative research, and raises questions about the need to expand the concept of the quality of psychological research in connection with the reflection of their ethical component.
Keywords |
- qualitative researches
- quality of qualitative researches
- interpretative criteriology
- validation strategies
- critical rationalism
- ethical validation
References |
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To cite this article |
Busygina, N.P. (2009). Problem of quality of qualitative research: principles of scientific and ethical validation. Methodology and History of Psychology, 4(3), 106-130.