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Mironenko, I.A. (2009). On past, present and future of Russian comparative psychology

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2009. Volume 4. Issue 2
History of Russian Psychology
Scientific article
On past, present and future of Russian comparative psychology
Mironenko, Irina Anatolievna
This article analyzes the place and importance of the Russian school of comparative psychology in the world science. The author considers the specifics of the theory and methodology, on which Russian specialists' studies in comparative psychology are based on in the 19th–20th centuries, and the contribution of Russian scientists to the world science. In particular, the concepts V.A. Wagner, B.F. Porshnev, N.N. Ladygina-Kohts, and others are presented. The article also provides evaluation of contemporary western theories, especially of evolutionary psychology, and analyzes the current state of Russian comparative psychology and its prospects for the future.
  • comparative psychology
  • human evolution
  • evolution of psyche
  • anthropoids
  • Russian school of comparative psychology
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To cite this article
Mironenko, I.A. (2009). On past, present and future of Russian comparative psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 4(2), 45-58.

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