Arseniev, A.S. (2007). From agent to personality (debates on scientific destiny of S.L. Rubinstein). Part I
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2007. Volume 2. Issue 4
Section |
School of S.L. Rubinstein: Issues of Methodology and Theory
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
From agent to personality (debates on scientific destiny of S.L. Rubinstein). Part I
Authors |
Arseniev, Anatoly Sergeevich
Abstract |
The article discussed the idea of the limitations of the psychological examination of human relations in the framework of the "Subject–Object" represented, in particular, in the activity approach. Since man is not a thing, his understanding as a whole, as a person remains outside the scientific psychology. The author believes that overturn of outlook experienced by S.L. Rubinstein associated with the transition from relationship "Subject–Object" to relationship "Man–World" as the basis of psychology, outlines a possible way out of psychological crisis, understanding the human not as subject, but as person.
Keywords |
- S.L. Rubinstein
- reflection
- transcending
- infinity
- paradoxality
- "Man–World"
- "Subject–Object"
References |
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To cite this article |
Arseniev, A.S. (2007). From agent to personality (debates on scientific destiny of S.L. Rubinstein). Part I. Methodology and History of Psychology, 2(4), 99-137.