Yeremeyew, B.A. (2007). Basic concepts of psychological investigation
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2007. Volume 2. Issue 3
Section |
Methodology of Psychological Research
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
Basic concepts of psychological investigation
Authors |
Yeremeyew, Boris Alekseevich
Abstract |
This article finishes an expression of author's position, which began in the first issue of journal in 2006. As the subject of psychology, unlike its object, the author examines that with which the workers of science dealing directly. It is a system of concepts operated by scientists. With all the variety of personal views, used concepts differ in the stability of their values. The most stable values are the concepts included in the core of subject of science. They are something author outlined as major. In terms of methodology, essentially, in author's opinion, we have to allocate general scientific and proper psychological levels of definitions of basic concepts (on which it was the previous article), as well as the level of a separate study, which is considered in this case.
Keywords |
References |
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To cite this article |
Yeremeyew, B.A. (2007). Basic concepts of psychological investigation. Methodology and History of Psychology, 2(3), 29-42.