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Zolotovitskiy, R.A. (2007). Sociometry of J.L. Moreno

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2007. Volume 2. Issue 2
Fate of Scientist
Scientific article
Sociometry of J.L. Moreno
Zolotovitskiy, Roman Aleksandrovich
The article is devoted to sociometry – the theory, practice and research school, which had a great influence on sociology, psychology and philosophy of the 20th century. Its creator Jacob Levy Moreno (1892-1974) and his direct disciples put in the practice completely different content than what can be found in modern sociological technologies, bearing the name "sociometry" (as a rule, reducible to quantitative analysis). Theory and practice of group action requires a common and universal approach to the group – a key concept for sociology, and psychology. Sociometry reveals its real possibilities in movement, in action – in sociodrama. Therefore, a three-pronged system of J.L. Moreno consists of sociometry, socio- and psychodrama and group morenotherapy (for example, organizational art therapy). The methodology of the social-philosophical system is fundamentally different from the methodology of the natural sciences (as opposed to individualizing method summarized in science (H. Rickert). J.L. Moreno's method could also be called an artistic method using human and group spontaneity, "which prevents and stimulates the mechanisms of natural group self-control" and directed to humanity as a whole.
  • sociometry
  • sociodrama
  • psychodrama
  • Jacob Levy Moreno
  • group
  • relationaship
  • social quality
  • social quantity
  • choice
  • measure of communication
  • individualizing approach
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  • Лейтц Г. Психодрама: теория и практика. Классическая психодрама Я.Л. Морено. М., 1994.
  • Морено Дж. Театр спонтанности. Красноярск, 1993. [Более адекватен перевод с немецкого: Морено Я.Л. Театр импровизации // "Евразийский временник". Берлин, 1928.]
  • Морено Я.Л. Социометрия. Экспериментальный метод и наука об обществе. М., 2001.
  • Moreno J.L. The First Book of Group Psychotherapy. N.Y., 1932.
  • Von Wiese L. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie 1, 1948.
  • Who Shell Survive? Foundations of Sociometry, Group Psychotherapy and Sociodrama. N.Y., 1953. (Wash., DC, 1934.) [Немецкое издание: Die Grundlagen der Soziometrie. Wege zur Neuordnung der Gesellschaft. Köln-Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1954. (1967; 1974; Leske und Budrich, 1996.)]
To cite this article
Zolotovitskiy, R.A. (2007). Sociometry of J.L. Moreno. Methodology and History of Psychology, 2(2), 107-121.

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